AThe Pittsburgh Hotspurs Women’s First Team, competing in the WPSL, has added more top-Pittsburgh homegrown talent to the roster in Amanda Miller.

Miller graduated last year from Fordham University (D1) and previously played with Steel City FC in the 2018 season where she made the all-conference team

“Amanda is a strong striker that brings high-level experience and maturity to the squad. She’s a natural leader that I’m glad to get to work with again,” said Coach Tom Ovenden. 

Prior to Fordham, Miller went to North Allegheny high school played for Beadling SC.

“Honestly, the thing I am looking forward to the most is getting to compete and have fun again after a long year! I know that this is a competitive conference and a good group of women with a great coach like Tommo,” shared Miller. 

Excited to see what this new group of women have to offer and the challenge of learning to play well together in a short amount of time. “

The Women’s First Team game schedule is yet to be released, however will include games at Founders Field May thru July.

A second tryout for the team is being held on April 3rd. More info here.